We’re glad you’re visiting Reality Church. It is one of our great joys to try to make known the immeasurable love of the Triune God and the superabundant life given to us in Jesus Christ. It’s a real pleasure to let people know that the Gospel is truly good news from beginning to end.
God came down from the infinite, touched the earth and redeemed every human life with the blood of his only Son. Whether we believe in him or not, the life we all have exists only in him. The more we recognize this reality and live in this knowledge, the better the quality of our lives. It makes no difference whether we’re rich or poor, sick or healthy. The slightest joy we experience is the echo of his life, love and light in our lives.
Our ultimate satisfaction is to come to know the divine love of Christ, through the Holy Spirit. The love that God lavishes on his sons and daughters in Christ is not contemplation, scientific theory or theological treatise. But it is a real and living love that unites and must be shared with others and with our Lord.
The reality of the depth of God’s grace in uniting us to Christ so that he can share with us his communion with the Father through the Holy Spirit drives us to go where he goes, do what he does and live for the glory of the Father, as he always has and continues to do today.
That’s the passion that drives us at Reality Church. Visit our site regularly for the new articles and sermons we post each week. And why not come and meet us and celebrate with us the God of all graces and the life he gives us in his Son Jesus?